The Evolving Projects

(1) Put these projects in chronological order:

1.  Oyez (1955)
2.  In Our Path (1983)
3.  American Memory (1990)
4.  Lascaux (1992)
5.  The Valley of the Shadow (1993)
6.  Dickinson Electronic Archive (1994)
7.  Amiens Cathedral Project (1996)
8.  Romantic Circles (1996)
9.  Life Outtacontext (2001)
10.  Hawthorne in Salem (2002)
11.  Persepolis: A Virtual Reconstruction (2003)
12.  Eye Level (2005)
13.  Hurricane Digital Memory Bank (2005)
14.  Digital Karnak (2008)
15.  The Avalon Project (2008)
16.  The April 16 Archive (2011)

(2) Using these sites and any others that you are aware of, comment on how the level of sophistication and the forms of digital projects have changed in the last fifteen years

Over the years a few of the sites have adapted to the change in how the world would like to see sites and how they would navigate through the site.  For an example, Oyez (created in 1955) has adapted to the changes.  The site was very pleasing to the eye with it's sleek features and how easily it was to navigate around.  One that had become a little confusing to me was Amiens Cathedral Project.  Although very minimalist, it was a little bit harder to navigate for information.  However, it was very interesting with the drawings, pictures, and such.  Lascaux was a bit confusing as well, but it was better once I was able to get the site to be translated.  All the sites were unique and very individual, but as time goes on, either the sites will adapt or they will keep to their own ways.

(3) Suggest one or two additional websites to add to this list



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