Copyrights in the Digital World

(1)  Explain your understanding of some of the major points of copyright considerations when it comes to digital projects

Copyright protections is a major issue in the digital world.  Not everyone understands that when material is taken from someone and it is not cited for the owner than people can lose lots of money.  People out there tend to take other people's work and pass it off as theirs.  Copyright protection is a serious issue and can put the person in trouble as well.  It's sometimes hard since some websites tell people that it is ok to print or copy for certain uses, like classroom use, but what about copyright protection for videos.  YouTube is probably one of the ones that a lot of people will post videos from others.  However, in most cases (from what I've seen) the videos are taken down since YouTube is one of the sites that protect copyright laws.  As long, in my opinion, things are cited like they should to give credit to the owner then nothing can go wrong.    

(2)  Determine the ethics and legality of one of the following sites: (a) Teachers Pay Teachers, (b) Internet History Sourcebooks Project, (c) Historic Photo Gallery)

Internet History Sourcebooks Project was something that caught my eye real quick.  At first under the Statement on Copyright and Fair Use, I thought there wasn't anything.  Until I clicked on the link, and it provided me with all the information needed on the use of their website.  It also showed that if anyone suspected of any material being infringed, they could contact the creator of the website.  Although this website is primarily a use for people to find sources they need, it can (in my opinion) take a little bit away from the actual site itself.  But none the less, it is a bit useful.

Frequently Asked Questions on Copyright Protection:


  1. Youtube has literally millions of copyright violations and very few are actually ever taken down. The real problem is when you try and use copyrighted material for profit purposes.


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