
(1)  Consider the technology involved in digitizing the map of St. Petersburg

Zoomify is the name of the company that the St. Petersburg map was digitized.  It states on their website that they "make high-quality images of any size zoom-and-pan for fast, interactive viewing on the web."  After zooming in to test it out, I noticed that it would take some time to focus on the image, but the quality was not bad.  The wording was legible and I was able to zoom in and out as much as I want of the map.  I was also able to slide over the map to look at different parts without having it zoomed out.  They also had a thumbnail version, which I was able to zoom in and out but not move the map over.   

(2)  Think about the sources for digital materials--they can be commercial (Ebay, YouTube), social (Flickr, Tumblr, Wikipedia), or do you have to digitize your own personal materials or items that you have located in archives

In regards to Tumblr, the technology being used is perfect for user's who blog.  Whether the blogs are just of pictures of stuff the author loves or of the author's opinions/thoughts, it is still a good tool to use.  Not all the material is of their own creation, but the technology use is a bit easy once you get the understanding on how it works.

(3)  Always think about your final project.

I am still considering buildings in the Virginia area.  I am looking more in the Alexandria area just because that is where I live (funny how I live in Alexandria and that is my name). 


  1. You need to get some sort of draft project started asap. You are quite a ways behind.


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