Participation Projects: Keeping the Memories Alive

I have found a website called which I believe would be a crowd-sourcing website.  It is a website of the Library of Virginia that has archives of newspapers, exhibitions, and others via online.  

In 2017, University of Virginia School of Law Library has started a crowdsourcing initiative to transcribe centuries of handwritten legal history.  It is an opportunity for the public to view scanned documents of historical interest and others can contribute.  The documents would date back to the 1700s.  Some documents they have are from John B. Minor, who was a famous jurist who had taught at UVA Law for 50 years.  Other documents includes the Revolutionary War, post-WW2 human rights treaties from the United Nations, and many others.  The article:

Update on Project:

I have done my project, just need to make my adjustments before I turn it in tonight.


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