Future for Projects

For the future of project sites are endless.  These sites are very interactive and very interesting.  I really liked the ideas of these projects.  They all contain something that can keep people engaged and join in on the fun of the project.  I have decided to write down a few thoughts on each project down below:

The Genographic Project:
  • A project one can join in to find out the past of one's life
  • They are giving us the chance to go back in time
  • Also beneficial to their project since they are trying to find out the origin of man
World Memory Project:
  • Interactive project about the Holocaust
  • Perserving the lives of Holocaust victims
  • Memories shared with the world on each person (good memories)

Field Expedition Mongolia:
  • Gives someone the chance to join in on the fun to find the tomb of Genghis Khan
  • Get to explore and are engaged
There are plenty of projects out there and one can always create one as well.  The ideas are endless and they are always growing.


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