
Showing posts from December, 2016

Future for Projects

For the future of project sites are endless.  These sites are very interactive and very interesting.  I really liked the ideas of these projects.  They all contain something that can keep people engaged and join in on the fun of the project.  I have decided to write down a few thoughts on each project down below: The Genographic Project: A project one can join in to find out the past of one's life They are giving us the chance to go back in time Also beneficial to their project since they are trying to find out the origin of man World Memory Project: Interactive project about the Holocaust Perserving the lives of Holocaust victims Memories shared with the world on each person (good memories) Field Expedition Mongolia: Gives someone the chance to join in on the fun to find the tomb of Genghis Khan Get to explore and are engaged There are plenty of projects out there and one can always create one as well.  The ideas are endless and they are alw...

The Future for the Digital World

Status Update: I am having a hard time trying to get my excel spreadsheet to work with making sure the year is showing correctly, especially when I transfer the workbook to  It shows the year, for an example, 1790 is 1,790.  Also when trying to create the year in my workbook, it defaults to 1904.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know on how I can fix it.  I have some population information but being able to fix the year for the workbook(s) it would help. As Professor Evans mentioned in his note for Unit 13: Data Visualization, it is hard to show numbers or any form of data through visuals.  We can depict it as best as we could, but not how we envision it.  As time goes on, more and more applications will be developed to help improve the way we show online data.  We can show numbers and percentages, but maybe later on someone will develop an app that shows more than just that.  For an example, when someone wants...

Archives of the Digital World

Wilson Center Digital Archive: International History Declassified What I have found about this digital archive that is really interesting is that it is about international history.  And it's not just on a specific nation, but a mix of all nations.  When I first loaded the site, my first impression was this is a bit clustered.  However, I'm able to see everything clearly with the writing and the different categories, such as "Recently Added Documents," "Featured Collections," and other miscellaneous notes added by the author.  Another cool feature I might add is that it gives you the option to look at collections from the specific year and event and browse through different themes.  I really appreciated the author of this cite to show the number of documents, when clicking on the collection at the top, of the specific event.  It also shows the list of documents and a little summary of what the d...

Reality vs Fantasy

The digital world is full of reality and fantasy.  It can be hard to determine what is fact and what is perception.  For the two sites Digital Karnak and Persepolis: a virtual reconstuction , one might be able to determine what is reality and what is fantasy.  As I took a look at the Digital Karnak I would determine this is reality because it is basing it on a location, whereas Persepolis: a virtual reconstruction , although a previous location, isn't something one can experience.  So it would be considered kind of a fantasy to people by giving them the perception of what the location was like.  However, Persepolis is based on facts from history that authors have researched so it would be a little tricky to determine if it is either reality or fantasy.  I'm sure other sites in the digital world it is very distinctive to determine what is reality and what is fantasy.  Fantasy is more of ideas and perception of one's mind on something, whereas reality ...