First Post! (Updated slightly)

(1)  What you found most interesting of the Rosenzweig reading?

As I was reading Rosenzweig's reading I've came across something that really stood out to me probably more than anything else in this particular reading.  The excerpt: 

"More than a decade into the promised "digital revolution," the cyber-enthusiasts and the techno-skeptics have both turned out to be poor prophets of the future.  Universities and libraries still stand.  Culture has not crumbled.  Paradise has not arrived.  But to device that neither utopia nor dystopia beckons should not lead to the comfortable conclusion that nothing has changed or will change.  Driven by the rapid emergence and dissemination of computers, global computer networks, and new digital media, change-though not revolution-surrounds us.  Our daily habits of finding the news and weather, buying books, and communicating with colleagues and loved ones have permanently changed."

As time goes on, technology grows.  Each day, someone out there is finding new ways to change the evolution of technology.  When I think about it, for most of my life, technology has been a part of it.  From TVs to computers and even smart phones, have all become a way of life.  The last quote of the excerpt:  "Our daily habits of finding the news and weather, buying books, and communicating with colleagues and loved ones have permanently changed," could not be more true.  Although, I'm sure some people out in the world are not as privileged and they don't have the same mindset.  Even children nowadays have smart phones/tablets as their own devices.  Yes, there are still libraries and universities that still carry books as a source, but technology has expanded more than what a person can want and need.  However, in my opinion sometimes a hard copy book can be very valuable to a person.  I still would like to read a hard copied book from time to time, even though I personally have a kindle where I can download a copy of the book.  Technology grows and it will never stop growing.

(2)  Idea for a final project

I am thinking of something to do with IT.  I am not sure of the direction I want to go, but since IT has become a career for me, I want to incorporate something with that.  Any suggestions would be great!  

(3)  The point about online reading.

Online reading is a great way to get multiple sources on a topic.  It is easily accessible and can be something you can read on the go.  Through online, you would have countless journals, articles, newspapers, etc. accessible to you.  Although libraries have databases you can search for documents, they are a bit limited.    


  1. You are right that the digital rev has enabled a lot more people to have access to materials (that they would not be able to get to in libraries)


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